Answers to Questions Commonly Asked about Mechanical Seals
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- Answers to Questions Commonly Asked about Mechanical Seals

Okay, we admit: all look alikes need not perform alike! Most manufacturers can make a product (any product!) look exactly like the original. It is difficult to visually assess it’s inherent qualities till put into actual service in the rotating equipment. When failure does take place, many manufacturers cannot assist the customer to investigate causes of the failure or systematically set things back on rails again so that the customer can get his money’s worth from the investment. Because they simply don’t understand maintenance procedures.
Let us face it. Not every seal manufacturer can claim decades of cumulative experience in maintenance of rotating equipment with special reference to seals. One common response to leaking seals has been to look no further and put the system back in service after renewing the seal, while on the other extreme, a more systematic response involves study of the shaft dynamics, touching areas like deflections, run-outs, and the like.We at General Seal have a highly developed customer interaction programme that aims to keep customer’s equipment on-line on-demand. Whenever called upon we coordinate with customer’s technical staff during shut-downs to optimise equipment maintenance. Fine tuning this to a fine-art has now enabled our customers retain seal-tight performance during the post-shut-down period. We can train customer staff on the nuances of seal handling so that extended seal life is obtained beyond the planned PMS cycle period. And because the best raw material and other inputs in the world get used, because the delivery period is incredibly short due to use of some of the best manufacturing equipment in the world, and because some of the highest capital investment-overheads in the world have been spread over very large volumes of production, we have been enabled to offer the most realistic prices to our customers while exceeding customer expectations on performance.Surely, not every seal maker can match that record.